LSF structures have many applications. Most of these applications depend on their advantages and characteristics. These structures, which are made of CFS structures or cold rolled steel, which have high strength and light weight, these structures also have strength and light weight. LSF structures are very popular for construction in the contemporary era and have improved the quality of the construction industry in every way.

Ability to build in seismic areas

These structures have several advantages. Among the most important of these advantages, we can mention their light weight. LSF structures with their light weight have shorter spans and as a result this has improved the application of LSF structures.

LSF structures in the construction industry have been designed with the advancement of technologies to prevent and prevent natural disasters, and in this regard, they have very good endurance.
Experiences show that LSF structures are the best for seismic and hazardous areas, and this increases the demand for the construction of these types of buildings.

Designing structures with a beautiful view

Also, these structures are produced in different modes and types of designs. The use of LSF structures in building facades is excellent. How hard steel can be bent with cold rolling technology to make all kinds of geometric shapes in the walls and other building components and prepare the best decorative tools for different structures. It should be noted that in the process of cold rolling, the endurance of the structure increases and this also increases the endurance of the building.

Easier implementation of facilities

In LSF structures, all kinds of electric cables and water pipes, gas and other utilities can be placed inside the body of the walls. Therefore, the use of LSF structures in the organization of construction facilities is excellent. Architects can perform the facilities at the same time during the construction of the building with the lowest cost, and this increases the speed of construction performance.

The ability to change the building plan after execution

LSF structures are connected to each other by bolts and nuts. Therefore, moving the walls or other building equipment is done in the shortest possible time and at a very low cost. This has increased the use of LSF structures in the construction industry.

Endurance of incoming forces

One of the biggest advantages of LSF structures is the tolerance of heavy loads. The tension and thrust energies entering the building may cause it to be destroyed. But the LSF structures bring these energies into the ground properly through standard connections and neutralize that energy. Therefore, the use of LSF structures in dealing with heavy loads is well designed.

Flexibility of LSF structures

One of the best advantages of LSF structures is their flexibility. The flexibility of LSF structures allows better adaptation of the building in its components. Flexible design creates a better harmony between the structure and the framework of the building. The facades of the facilities and the floors of the building match each other better.

The framework structure of these buildings is flexible. This structure is not compatible with bearing walls. In the framework of LSF structures, it is very easy to move walls, replace cables and pipes, restore decorative elements, integrate building floors and install elevators in these structures.

LSF light weight structures (LSF) have light steels for the floor and roofs of the building. These structures are very light and small. Also, a good integrity can be seen in the floor structures and building columns.

This integration causes the height of the building to be smaller and the volume of the building structure to be considered less. So the energy used for heating the building is much less. This feature is one of the characteristics of the flexibility of LSF structures.

In some parts of the world, the space available for construction is very small and the requests for construction are very high. Therefore, people are forced to add ashkoob and build their buildings mostly on the old built floors.

So, one of the best structures used in such cases is the use of LSF structures. LSF structures easily adapt to any environment and have the ability to be installed and implemented on a variety of environments, whether on the ground or on the upper floors of buildings.

The flexibility of LSF structures means that if your building is built using unsafe materials, you can build a safe structure as an extra floor on top of your building. With this work, you have prepared a new look in addition to the unique features of safe buildings and you can implement many aesthetic issues to your building.

The advantage of the flexibility of LSF structures leads to the design of smaller steel structures with less space. It is also easy to convert two or more story buildings designed using LSF structures as a single building into a duplex by removing the respective floors.

LSF structures are the first in flexibility and the reason for this is the distribution of pressure on the building between all columns and walls. In these structures, by removing a wall or a column, the pressure applied on it is now distributed on other components of the building, and in fact, the LSF structure is a complex and interconnected type of structure.

LSF and fire

One of the common things that occurs in buildings and causes a lot of damage is fire. A fire may arise from a connection of electric cables, or leaking gas pipes and cover the entire building.


A fire can cause a lot of damage, the smallest and most certain of which is the melting of the metals used in the building. The melting point of iron is 1535 degrees Celsius, which occurs when there is a fire in the building.

With the slightest wind during a fire, the temperature of the fire inside the building increases at once, and it may be the turn of the metals used in the building’s skeleton after the plaster and bricks burn. At this stage, the skeleton changes its shape and leads to the total destruction of the building. In most of the structures that are made of concrete, this failure occurs. Because concrete, plaster and brick have a lower melting point than iron and change shape after heating.

LSF resistance to fire

But the steel used in LSF structures, which is produced in the cold rolling process, has higher endurance and also a higher melting point. Such buildings are not easily deformed after a fire, and because steel is composed of several strong elements, it has a high melting point.

Also, if the fire temperature rises so much that it leads to deformation in the LSF walls, due to the standard connections between these structures, the deformation in one point of the building does not cause the destruction of the entire building. Rather, the LSF walls take the force from the heat of the fire through their side walls and the columns that are supported on them and are made entirely of cold-rolled steel or CFS. They divide it into other layers and neutralize this energy equally in the whole building. As a result, the fire does not leave significant damages in LSF structures.

Cold rolled response to fire

Due to the cold rolling technology, LSF functional structures have better resistance to fire, and fire cannot easily destroy their elements. Steel is used in most industrial applications that require metal with high strength, high melting point, integrated elements and light weight. In the cold rolling process, this steel becomes more durable and as a result, this steel is not easily destroyed.

The energy that enters the LSF structures during the fire is neutralized to a significant extent, and if it is higher than the permissible limit, then it is not completely destroyed by the connected and integrated LSF structures and part of the building At very high temperatures, it undergoes slight deformation. This change in shape can be repaired with little cost and time spent after the fire.

CFS Structures

In recent years, the studies conducted regarding the analysis of buildings and their retrofitting have been focused on CFS cold steel (CFS) lightweight structures. Considering that these structures are made of cold steel, they show a very high endurance against the energies and stresses. Also, the probability of erosion and decay of these structures is much lower than other structures. CFS structures have shown very high durability based on the tests that have been carried out on them.

LSF steel structures

These structures, which are created from cold rolled steel, are placed between the floor and ceiling layers of the building and actually form the walls of the building. LSF steel structures are placed vertically in buildings. Also, the connection of the structure with the floor or roof of the building is done by this tool. Therefore, the entire load to the structure is placed in a vertical position and is divided between the floors of the structure.

The strength of LSF steel structures depends on their performance, apart from the way of connections and the things that control the contraction and expansion of the structure. Since these structures are designed and built in a form connected to one another and the mold material of these structures is cold steel, then the pressure that is applied to one point of the building due to various stresses such as an earthquake, is also transmitted to other parts of the building through connections. suffers Therefore, the entire structure responded to the earthquake in a unified way and the response of the steel structure is only endurance. Aftershocks caused by earthquakes do not pose any threat to such structures.

Iran, Earthquake, LSF LSF

The use of lightweight LSF structures is one of the efficient ways to reduce earthquake events. In these structures, the light weight and the complex members of the building frame cause the earthquake energy to be distributed to the building and reduce the earthquake damage. In these structures, all kinds of tools have been used to deal with the stresses entering the building and lighten the weight of the structure.

Considering that Iran is located in an earthquake-prone region, buildings should be constructed in such a way that during an earthquake, the least amount of damage and destruction will be caused to the building and the least financial and life losses will be caused to the citizens. Therefore, the use of lightweight LSF structures is a very efficient way.

Materials and materials used in lsf light structure

board, kenaf, osb, shingle roof, stone wool wall and glass wool roof, and…

Types of Canadian and New Zealand LSF structures

In the New Zealand LSF structure system, depending on the type of machine, thickness, up to 2 mil sheet has the ability and the possibility of forming.

(F300 device up to 1.5 miles and F350 device up to 2 miles)

And thickness more than 2 mil is placed in CFS system. In the LSF structure system, it is more optimal in the New Zealand method due to the bending of the edges, in the runner and notching of the joints.

Designing structures with frame code

FrameCad software is not a computing software and it is used only for modeling and preparing the production file from this software.

The complementary software of this system is Frame Code Pro, which is the most accurate and standard LSF calculation software.

Exactly the opposite of what was said, SAP software has computational and engineering defects.

First, keep in mind that the main difference between the Canadian and New Zealand LSFSF structures is in the type of structure production.

In the Canadian system, the structure is produced in the form of runner and master branches according to the required meter length and cut and assembled at the project site.

New Zealand LSF structures are designed in a computerized manner, and LSF structures drawing software, i.e. CAD/CAM, even the most detailed connections, the way and type of cutting, drilling, punching and lip cuts with high accuracy and minimum error in Determines the cold rolled steel members. As a result, the amount of human error is zero.

In the Canadian method, the profiles are produced as raw master and runner, and all cutting, drilling and assembly is done by a person in the workshop environment.

The main advantage of New Zealand-style LSF is the ability to produce and assemble it off-site. For this reason, the construction phase is very fast, saving resources and reducing the overall assembly time. In the New Zealand LSF structure, due to off-site construction and controlled factory processes, the structure is built with superior quality. Due to the high precision in the construction of LSF light steel structures, only products that meet high standards are allowed to leave the factory.

Since in the New Zealand method all the calculations are done by computer, no extra part is used in the building frame. This is very effective in reducing the consumption of steel and reducing the dead load of the building.


Why is LSF better than New Zealand method?

Below are the most important points and reasons for the superiority of the New Zealand method:

The technology used in the fabrication and construction of the New Zealand LSF structure is CAD/CAM.
Design and construction of LSF structure with the help of computer.
The construction and production of LSF building in this system is very advanced.
In the New Zealand method, first all the design of the building structure is done by software that is compatible with the profile generator.
In the next step, the production machine makes all cuts, holes, punches and lip cuts with high precision in the cold rolled steel members.
In profit at the construction site, we will have only the assembly of structural members.
The New Zealand LSF structure has a high manufacturing quality and production speed due to the above reasons, and it should be noted that the Canadian method structure system is obsolete due to the above disadvantages.
Also, this case has made this structure highly popular among Iranian executives and employers.

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