Today, the LSF structure has attracted the attention of many engineers and investors. The LSF structure has many advantages, the most important of which is its suitability against earthquakes. Also, this structure has disadvantages.

What is lsf structure?

This light structure, which is called LSF for short, is one of the modern construction systems. This structure is used for a maximum of 5 floors, which is of great interest to civil engineers today. In the LSF structure, it is made of cold-rolled steel sheets, and the external facade is cemented outside, as well as wood, glass, stone, brick, etc. is used You can use the LSF structure together with other structures. The weight of the LSF structure is about 50% less compared to other structures, which is a very important advantage against earthquakes, and it is very similar to a wooden structure. . This structure is based on the design of Ostad and Vadar and Track, which is designed with the help of cold-rolled galvanized steel profiles, an image of the desired building. The roofs of this structure are very light and usually sloped and are made using metal trusses. In the rest of the building, materials such as stone, brick and PVC are used. Also, interior walls are designed with wallpaper and painting on plaster panels.

سازه lsf

History of lsf structure

Light steel structure was proposed for the first time in England in 1886 and with the passage of time it became popular all over the world. This structure was noticed and welcomed by the British standards early on, and regulations were designed and issued for this structure. lsf structures were invented at the same time as wooden structures, and many different examples of both of these structures were designed in countries such as Germany and America. In 1914, England offered a master’s degree in lsf structure for the first time and formed metal formwork. In 1939, extensive research began at Cornell University under the management of George Winter, and the results of this research led to the presentation of the AISI design in 1946.

Advantages of the lsf structure

The lsf structure has many advantages and importance compared to other structures; which include the following:

– High quality and uniformity of the final product

– Light and suitable against earthquakes because the force of the earthquake is much less

-Having global energy consumption standards

– Very high execution speed

– It is very easy to transport it to all parts of the country

– The materials used in it can be recycled

– Suitability and cultural compatibility of the interior of the building with traditional buildings

– Ease of use of electrical and mechanical facilities

– Greater work safety and the need for less work space

-Having proper insulation for sound

-Having proper insulation for energy consumption in the walls and roof

Also, the time required to build a building with the lsf structure is very short, and this has caused this structure to attract the attention of many investors.

Disadvantages of lsf structure

Along with all the advantages of the lsf structure, some of the disadvantages of this structure can be mentioned as follows:

– floor limitation (up to 5 floors can be used in this structure)

– The need for expert and experienced engineers and specialists in LSF structures (unfortunately, the number of these people is very few)

– The high cost of galvanized metal parts

– The possibility of oxidation of metal structures

One of the main disadvantages of the lsf structure is the lack of professional teams and its high cost.

سازه lsf

کاربرد سازه lsf

In our country, the lsf structure is the focus of engineers for medium-sized projects. This structure is used in many cases that we have witnessed all the applications of this structure by implementing this structure. Among the most important uses of this structure, the following can be mentioned:

-industrial units

-Educational buildings

– Multi-unit buildings

– Increasing the number of floors on the roof of buildings

– Reconstruction of earthquake affected areas

– Construction of temporary residences for people affected by the earthquake

Sports buildings

– Small commercial buildings

Construction of small and suitable dormitories for students

– Construction of roadside motels

Construction of residences for pilgrims in religious cities

The cost of the lsf structure

The cost of lsf structure is high compared to other structures such as concrete and metal; Of course, the operation time of the concrete structure is about 5 times that of the LSF structure, and this double time creates a series of higher costs (staff wages, rents and insurance of people), which causes the cost in most cases. Both structures do not have that much difference. It can also be said that the main cost of this structure is spent on galvanized metal parts, and otherwise, the consumption of cement and steel in LSF structure is less than other structures.

How to implement the lsf structure

In the implementation of the lsf structure, like other structures, in the initial stage of the work, a schematic plan and a model of the building desired by the client are made; In this preliminary plan, it has been tried to define the wind and earthquake resistances and the thickness of the columns and beams, as well as all the water, electricity and sewage connections to the building. After this stage, it is time for foundation and skeletonization. The walls of the building are made hollow, and the inside of the walls is usually covered with plaster or knaf tiles, cement panel or cement board, osb board, shingle roof and vapor barrier, colored sheet and foam, stone wool with different densities according to the conditions. Geographical and climatic conditions. The next stage is the external and internal coverings of the roof and the last stage is the electrical, mechanical, door and window installations.

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