The LSF structure is a very light and prefabricated structure, which makes the LSF structure an excellent option for use in various buildings.

The LSF structure has many advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the LSF structure are much more than its disadvantages and it is one of the reasons that it is used in our country. This can be seen objectively in the construction market. He saw the share in the construction of villas and additions in multi-storey buildings.

Of course, many people have not benefited from this type of technology very much, or it is because they are not familiar with this structure, maybe it is because they are confused with other structures, such as the condo, this is because they are not familiar with this structure, now we want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Let’s get to know this structure more.

مزایا و معایب سازه ال اس اف


Advantages of LSF structure:
High speed in execution of LSF skeleton
Reducing the weight of the building and consequently reducing the force of the earthquake
Simple and quick installation of the building
Anti-earthquake up to 8 Richter
Simple and quick installation of facilities, etc
Sound and thermal insulation by insulating the wall
Fire resistance
Easy transportation, assembled on site
Installation of prefabricated panels for interior and exterior
Diversity in design and architecture
Reducing construction time
Increasing the economic life of the building
Disadvantages of LSF structure:
Limitation of load-bearing openings
Limiting the number of floors on the building
Standard overload limit
There is a limit in the dimensions of the opening.
The number of floors that can be built with this system is limited.
It needs expert and expert workforce.
The supply of galvanized metal parts produced in the factory has a relatively high cost.
welded joints
Connection to other materials
Holding harnesses and shearing harnesses

This system is used as a dry implementation and often using screw connections and industrial production method. However, in certain circumstances, rivet and welding connections can also be used.

Behavior of LSF LSF and CFS CFS in earthquakes

According to the available statistics from Iran, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7 on the Richter scale occurs in Iran every 10 years. Heterogeneous texture, lack of familiarity with earthquakes, improper protection of buildings and non-standard planning and implementation of construction have led to material and financial damages of earthquakes in Iran. The earthquake that happened in the city of Bam destroyed more than 80% of the city and killed several thousand people, the main reason for these injuries being the failure to use the correct construction methods.

Therefore, engineers and researchers are thinking of designing new and standard ideas that show good resistance against earthquakes in order to deal with possible earthquake losses. The history of the activities carried out regarding the retrofitting of buildings goes back to 1979. Based on the information and statistics of the World Mapping Organization, these researchers have examined the building retrofit criteria and designed a single and integrated model. They have introduced the use of certain materials as permitted and some as prohibited.

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